Thierry Carrez wrote:
Joshua Harlow wrote:
I believe it is the TC job (in part) to help make the community better,
and not via tags like this that IMHO actually make it worse;

I think it's important to see the intent of the tag, rather than only
judge on its current proposed name. The big tent is vast, and there are
all kinds of projects, more or less mature, in it. The tag system is
there to help our ecosystem navigate the big tent by providing specific
bits of information about them.

One such important bit of information is how risky it is to invest on a
given project, how likely is it to still be around tomorrow. Some
projects are so dependent on a single organization that they may,
literally, disappear in one day when a single person (the CEO of that
organization) decides so. I think our ecosystem should know about that,
without having to analyze stackalytics data. This is why I support
creating a tag describing project teams that are *extremely* fragile, at
the other end of the spectrum from projects that are "healthily diverse".

I really
hope that folks on the TC can look back at their own projects they may
have created and ask how would their own project have turned out if they
were stamped with a similar tag...

The thing is, one of the requirements to become an official OpenStack
project in the "integrated release" model was to reach a given level of
diversity in contributors. So "our" OpenStack projects just could not
officially exist if they would have been stamped with a similar tag.

The big tent is more inclusive, as we no longer consider diversity
before we approve a project. The tag is the other side of the coin: we
still need to inform our ecosystem that some projects are less mature or
more fragile than others. The tag doesn't prevent the project to exist
in OpenStack, it just informs our users that there is a level of risk
associated with it.

Or are you suggesting it is preferable to hide that risk from our
operators/users, to protect that project team developers ?

Not really. I get the idea of informing operators/users about how this project may need more contributors. I just want it to be a positive statement vs. a negative one if possible; and I'd really like for the TC to also have some kind of proposal for helping those projects get to be more diverse (vs just labeling them).

Some ideas already mentioned + new ones:

* Put the project on some kind of 'help wanted' page.
* Help said projects sign-up for google summer of code (that may help increase diversity?).
* Something else?

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