One big thing missing from the App Catalog right now is the ability to
version assets.  This is especially obvious with the Murano assets
which have some version/release dependencies.  Ideally an app-catalog
user would be able to pick an older version (ie "works with kilo
rather than liberty"), but we don't have that functionality yet.

We are working on resolving handling versions elegantly from the App
Catalog side but in the short term we believe Murano is going to need
a workaround.  In order to support multiple entries with the same name
(i.e. Apache Tomcat package for both Kilo and Liberty) we are
proposing the Liberty release of Murano have a new default URL, like:


We have a patch ready [1] which would redirect traffic hitting that
URL to  If we take this approach,
we will then retain the ability to manage where Murano fetches things
from without requiring clients of the Liberty-Murano release to do
anything.  For instance, if there is a need for Liberty versions of
Murano packages to be different from Kilo, we could set up a
Liberty-specific directory and put those versions there, and then
adjust the redirect appropriately.

What do you think?  We definitely need feedback here, otherwise we are
likely to break things Murano relies on.  kzaitsev is active on IRC
and was the one who highlighted this issue, but if there are other
compatibility or version concerns as Murano continues to grow and
improve, we could use one or two more people from Murano to stay in
touch with us wherever you intersect with the App Catalog so we don't
break something for you :)



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