On 09/22/2015 06:00 AM, Sean Dague wrote:
> On 09/18/2015 02:30 PM, Ben Nemec wrote:
>> I've been dealing with this issue lately myself, so here's my two cents:
>> It seems to me that solving this at the service level is actually kind
>> of wrong.  As you've discovered, that requires changes in a bunch of
>> different places to address what is really an external issue.  Since
>> it's the terminating proxy that is converting HTTPS traffic to HTTP that
>> feels like the right place for a fix IMHO.
>> My solution has been to have the proxy (HAProxy in my case) rewrite the
>> Location header on redirects (one example for the TripleO puppet config
>> here: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/223330/1/manifests/loadbalancer.pp).
>> I'm not absolutely opposed to having a way to make the services aware of
>> external SSL termination to allow use of a proxy that can't do header
>> rewriting, but I think proxy configuration should be the preferred way
>> to handle it.
> My feeling on this one is that we've got this thing in OpenStack... the
> Service Catalog. It definitively tells the world what the service
> addresses are.
> We should use that in the services themselves to reflect back their
> canonical addresses. Doing point solution rewriting of urls seems odd
> when we could just have Nova/Cinder/etc return documents with URLs that
> match what's in the service catalog for that service.
>       -Sean

That also seems perfectly reasonable, although it looks like we're not
using the service catalog internally now?  I see hard-coded endpoints in
nova.conf for the services it talks to.

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