Yes, looks like option 4 is the best. We need an abstraction layer between 
extensions and agents, to make sure API makes sense for all AMQP based agents.

Common agent framework that I think Sean side looks at [1] could partially 
define that agent interface for us.



> On 25 Sep 2015, at 11:12, Miguel Angel Ajo <> wrote:
> I didn't finish reading it, and was thinking about the same thing exactly.
> IMHO option 4th is the best. So we will be able to provide an interface where 
> stability
> is controlled, where we can deprecate things in a controlled manner, and we 
> know what we
> support and what we don't.
> Do you have a rough idea of what operations you may need to do?
> Please bear in mind, the extension interface will be available from different 
> agent types
> (OVS, SR-IOV, [eventually LB]), so this interface you're talking about could 
> also serve as
> a translation driver for the agents (where the translation is possible), I 
> totally understand
> that most extensions are specific agent bound, and we must be able to identify
> the agent we're serving back exactly.
> Best regards,
> Miguel Ángel Ajo
> Kevin Benton wrote:
>> I think the 4th of the options you proposed would be the best. We don't
>> want to give agents direct access to the agent object or else we will run
>> the risk of breaking extensions all of the time during any kind of
>> reorganization or refactoring. Having a well defined API in between will
>> give us flexibility to move things around.
>> On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 1:32 AM,<>  wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> (TL;DR: we would like an L2 agent extension to be able to call methods on
>>> the agent class, e.g. OVSAgent)
>>> In the networking-bgpvpn project, we need the reference driver to interact
>>> with the ML2 openvswitch agent with new RPCs to allow exchanging
>>> information with the BGP VPN implementation running on the compute nodes.
>>> We also need the OVS agent to setup specific things on the OVS bridges for
>>> MPLS traffic.
>>> To extend the agent behavior, we currently create a new agent by mimicking
>>> the main() in but instead of instantiating instantiate
>>> OVSAgent, with instantiate a class that overloads the OVSAgent class with
>>> the additional behavior we need [1] .
>>> This is really not the ideal way of extending the agent, and we would
>>> prefer using the L2 agent extension framework [2].
>>> Using the L2 agent extension framework would work, but only partially: it
>>> would easily allos us to register our RPC consumers, but not to let us
>>> access to some datastructures/methods of the agent that we need to use:
>>> setup_entry_for_arp_reply and local_vlan_map, access to the OVSBridge
>>> objects to manipulate OVS ports.
>>> I've filled-in an RFE bug to track this issue [5].
>>> We would like something like one of the following:
>>> 1) augment the L2 agent extension interface (AgentCoreResourceExtension)
>>> to give access to the agent object (and thus let the extension call methods
>>> of the agent) by giving the agent as a parameter of the initialize method
>>> [4]
>>> 2) augment the L2 agent extension interface (AgentCoreResourceExtension)
>>> to give access to the agent object (and thus let the extension call methods
>>> of the agent) by giving the agent as a parameter of a new setAgent method
>>> 3) augment the L2 agent extension interface (AgentCoreResourceExtension)
>>> to give access only to specific/chosen methods on the agent object, for
>>> instance by giving a dict as a parameter of the initialize method [4],
>>> whose keys would be method names, and values would be pointer to these
>>> methods on the agent object
>>> 4) define a new interface with methods to access things inside the agent,
>>> this interface would be implemented by an object instantiated by the agent,
>>> and that the agent would pass to the extension manager, thus allowing the
>>> extension manager to passe the object to an extension through the
>>> initialize method of AgentCoreResourceExtension [4]
>>> Any feedback on these ideas...?
>>> Of course any other idea is welcome...
>>> For the sake of triggering reaction, the question could be rephrased as:
>>> if we submit a change doing (1) above, would it have a reasonable chance of
>>> merging ?
>>> -Thomas
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> [3]
>>> [4]
>>> [5]
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