PTLs and release liaisons,

The mitaka release schedule is in the wiki at

Please note that there are only 5 weeks between Feature Freeze and
the final release, instead of the usual 6. This means we have more
time before the freeze for feature development, but it also means
that we need to be more strict about limiting Feature Freeze
Exceptions (FFEs) this cycle than we were for Liberty because we
will have less time to finish them and fix release-blocking bugs.

The Feature Freeze date for the Mitaka3 milestone is March 3, with
FFEs to be completed by March 11 so we can produce initial Release
Candidates (RCs) by March 18.

Remember that non-client libraries should freeze a week earlier
around February 26 and client libraries should freeze with the
services on March 3. If you have service work that will require
client library work, the service work will need to land early enough
to allow the new features in the client to land by the final deadline.

If any of the freeze conditions or dates are not clear, please ask
questions via a follow-up on this thread so everyone can benefit
from the answers.


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