
Here are a few reminders around the Mitaka release, and info about the
blueprint freeze exception process.


January 21st:
Nova non-priority feature freeze
(Thats the deadline for merging the code into master)

December 8th and 9th: Virtual API document sprint

December 17th:
non-priority feature review bash day

More details, please see:
(yes, I will get that uploaded to the central location)


As you probably already spotted, for both nova and python-novaclient,
all release notes are now published using Reno. For more details,
please see:


Lets keep focusing on these reviews:

As always, good quality reviews from non-cores is vital:

As previously mentioned, nova-core are actively mentoring folks to
help improve their review skills. It is this hard work (on both sides)
that lead to bauzas and alex_xu joining nova-core.
Lets keep all forms of mentoring going!

Freeze Exceptions

All blueprints for Mitaka should now be approved in launchpad, with
the appropriate specs merged.

So you have a spec (or specless blueprint) up for review, here is what
you need to know...
* We have over 120 blueprints already approved for Mitaka.
* Its likely only 60-70 blueprints will be completed during Mitaka.
* Please note, the non-priority feature freeze is on January 21st.
* In fairness to all, the exceptions must be... exceptional.

Preference will be given to specs and specless blueprints that are:
* part of a priority effort
* already had significant amounts of review

The deadlines for this process will be:
* Must add to etherpad by end of 9th December
* Must be approved/merged by end of 11th December
* Spec approval tracked in gerrit, two +2s to merge spec

With all that in mind, if you want to apply for an exception, please
add a link to your spec in the top of this etherpad, where it says
"Exception Requests":

Please note:
Bugs that need API changes, and so need a spec, are not affected by
the blueprint freeze. They should be fixing a bug, not adding new

As ever, any questions, please do ask via email, IRC, etc.


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