With Gerrit 2.11 upgrade in place, we get access to a few new query
parameters. I've retooled the compute review dashboard in
gerrit-dash-creator (https://github.com/openstack/gerrit-dash-creator)
to take advantage of it.

The url is - https://goo.gl/1vTS0Z

The contents are:

title = Nova Review Inbox (master branch only)
description = Review Inbox
foreach = (project:openstack/nova OR
project:openstack/python-novaclient) status:open NOT owner:self NOT
label:Workflow<=-1 label:Verified>=1,jenkins NOT
label:Code-Review>=-2,self branch:master is:mergeable

[section "Needs final +2"]
query = NOT label:Code-Review<=-1,nova-core label:Code-Review>=2

[section "Small Patches"]
query = NOT label:Code-Review<=-1,nova-core delta:<=10

[section "Needs Feedback (Changes older than 5 days that have not been
reviewed by anyone)"]
query = NOT label:Code-Review<=2 age:5d

[section "You are a reviewer, but haven't voted in the current revision"]
query = reviewer:self

[section "Bug fix, Passed Jenkins, No Negative Core Feedback"]
query = NOT label:Code-Review<=-1,nova-core message:"Closes-Bug: "

[section "Passed Jenkins, No Negative Core Feedback"]
query = NOT label:Code-Review<=-1,nova-core NOT message:"Closes-Bug: "

[section "Wayward Changes (Changes with no code review in the last 5 days)"]
query = label:Code-Review<=2 NOT label:Code-Review<=-1,nova-core age:5d

No one has to use this dashboard, I realize we all have slightly
different ways of looking at the review queue to find the right stuff.
I'll explain the logic of this ordering below and why I've found it
works well for me.

The logic of this is to only review code that is mergable (has passing
tests, is not in merge conflict, doesn't have a -2 block on it)

The top items are code that currently has a core +2 and no core -1
feedback. Trying to keep this list small I think is important. Either
the code is ready to go, or you have a reason why it is not. Either is
valid, but lets not leave folks with code with one +2 in limbo for some
long chunk of time.

Next up is very small patches (<= 10 lines of change). These *often*
(but no always) are quite easy to turn around. Minor typos or bug fixes.
Hopefully many of these move up into slot 1.

The rest is basically the way the old dashboard was.

If you find this dashboard useful, enjoy. If not, hopefully you take
some ideas out of it for your own review pattern.

Sean Dague

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