As far as the other option (using tabulate):

That was a (very very basic) POC for a potential compatibility layer,

The author (of tabulate) though thinks that a 'tabulate-prettytable-compat' library might be the best option, which seems to make sense. So if the jazzband thing doesn't work out we can work with the tabulate author to create such a thing (and then as time goes on just move to tabulate).


Flavio Percoco wrote:
On 08/01/16 08:36 -0430, Flavio Percoco wrote:

As some of you know already, google code is going to be shutdown. Some
projects we're using are hosted and, unfortunately, some of them are
unmaintained and perhaps going away.

One of these projects is PrettyTable. This point was raised by Erno in
this patch[0] from jd__. PrettyTable is not just being used in several
openstack specific projects but it's also a transitive dependency for
all client libraries using cliff.

With all that in mind, I've contacted the author of the library and
asked him if it'd be ok for us (OpenStack) to adopt this library. The
author accepted and granted me access to the project on pypi.

I'm saying all the above because we now need to find a home for it in

I've identified 2 possible places:

1) Oslo, as we maintaing cross-project libraries and some of them are
not in the oslo namespace

2) OpenStack Client team as they maintain cliff already and it'd
perhaps make more sense to have this library there.

One thing to note is that this library has been quite stable, which
means it won't, hopefully, add too much work to the team.



FWIW, we've decided to give jazzband[0] a try and host prettytable
there. If
that doesn't work out well, we might revisit this option (unless the
migration happens before that).


Thanks everyone and Doug for suggesting jazzband!


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