On 02/08/2016 06:16 AM, Sean Dague wrote:
On 02/07/2016 08:13 PM, Monty Taylor wrote:
On 02/07/2016 07:30 AM, Jay Pipes wrote:
On 02/04/2016 06:38 AM, Sean Dague wrote:
What options do we have?
2) Have a registry of "common" names.

Upside, we can safely use common names everywhere and not fear collision
down the road.

Downside, yet another contention point.

A registry would clearly be under TC administration, though all the
heavy lifting might be handed over to the API working group. I still
imagine collision around some areas might be contentious.

The above is my choice. I'd also like to point out that I'm only talking
about the *service* projects here -- i.e. the things that expose a REST


I don't care about a naming registry for non-service projects because
they do not expose a public user-facing API that needs to be curated and


I would further suggest using the openstack/governance repo's
projects.yaml file for this registry. This is already under the TC's
administration and the API WG could be asked to work closely with the TC
to make recommendations on naming for all type:service projects in the
file. We should add a service:$type tag to the projects.yaml file and
that would serve as the registry for REST API services.

We would need to institute this system by first tackling the current
areas of REST API functional overlap:

* Ceilometer and Monasca are both type:service projects that are both
performing telemetry functionality in their REST APIs. The API WG should
work with both communities to come up with a 6-12 month plan for
creating a *single* OpenStack Telemetry REST API that both communities
would be able to implement separately as they see fit.

* All APIs that the OpenStack Compute API currently proxies to other
service endpoints need to have a formal sunsetting plan. This includes:

   - servers/{server_id}/os-interface (port interfaces)
   - images/
   - images/{image_id}/metadata
   - os-assisted-volume-snapshots/
   - servers/{server_id}/os-bare-metal-nodes/ (BTW, why is this a
sub-resource of /servers again?)
   - os-fixed-ips/
   - os-floating-ip-dns/
   - os-floating-ip-pools/
   - os-floating-ips/
   - os-floating-ips-bulk/
   - os-networks/
   - os-security-groups/
   - os-security-group-rules/
   - os-security-group-default-rules/
   - os-tenant-networks/
   - os-volumes/
   - os-snapshots/

* All those services that have overlapping top-level resources must have
a plan to either:
   - align/consolidate the top-level resource if it makes sense
   - rename the top-level resource to be more specific if needed, or
   - place the top-level resource as a sub-resource on a top-level
resource that is unique in the full OpenStack REST API set of top-level

Yes please god yes oh yes a million times yes. I've never agreed with
you as much as this since the JSON/XML glory of the Cactus summit.

I know shade is not the OpenStack SDK - but as a library that has a top
level "OpenStackCloud" object that has methods like "list_servers" and
"list_images" - things that overlap in conceptual name but do not
present the same semantics quickly become difficult. I believe Jay's
proposal above will help to make the situation much more saner.


/me sends jaypipes a fruit basket

Ok, but in Tokyo you specifically also stated no one should ever remove
an API because doing so destroyers their users.

I'm trying to reconcile those points of view.

Getting to a new list of things where there are clear resource names that have one and only one set of semantics associated with them is the thing I want.

If there are other API endpoints lurking somewhere for backwards compat that we don't document and that I can safely ignore - that does not bother me.

We should NEVER actually delete a thing - that's only self serving. However, we can remove a thing from being a thing we talk about. So, if nova has an os-floating-ips for backawards compat, that's neat, but I can just always use the neutron floating-ips resource and ignore it.

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