Forgive me for the top post and also for asking the obvious (with my
Operator hat on)

Relying on an external service for certificate store - is the best
option - assuming of course that the certificate store is actually also
highly available.

Is that the case today with Barbican?

According to the architecture docs [1] I see that they are using a
relational database. MySQL? PostgreSQL? Does that now mean we have an
additional database to maintain, backup, provide HA for as an Operator?

The only real reference I can see to anything remotely HA is this [2]
and this [3]

An overall solution is highly available *only* if all of the parts it
relies are also highly available as well.


Some food for thought

Best Regards,
Maish Saidel-Keesing

On 03/18/16 17:18, Hongbin Lu wrote:
> Douglas,
> I am not opposed to adopt Barbican in Magnum (In fact, we already adopted 
> Barbican). What I am opposed to is a Barbican lock-in, which already has a 
> negative impact on Magnum adoption based on our feedback. I also want to see 
> an increase of Barbican adoption in the future, and all our users have 
> Barbican installed in their clouds. If that happens, I have no problem to 
> have a hard dependency on Barbican.
> Best regards,
> Hongbin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Douglas Mendizábal [] 
> Sent: March-18-16 9:45 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [magnum] High Availability
> Hongbin,
> I think Adrian makes some excellent points regarding the adoption of 
> Barbican.  As the PTL for Barbican, it's frustrating to me to constantly hear 
> from other projects that securing their sensitive data is a requirement but 
> then turn around and say that deploying Barbican is a problem.
> I guess I'm having a hard time understanding the operator persona that is 
> willing to deploy new services with security features but unwilling to also 
> deploy the service that is meant to secure sensitive data across all of 
> OpenStack.
> I understand one barrier to entry for Barbican is the high cost of Hardware 
> Security Modules, which we recommend as the best option for the Storage and 
> Crypto backends for Barbican.  But there are also other options for securing 
> Barbican using open source software like DogTag or SoftHSM.
> I also expect Barbican adoption to increase in the future, and I was hoping 
> that Magnum would help drive that adoption.  There are also other projects 
> that are actively developing security features like Swift Encryption, and 
> DNSSEC support in Desginate.  Eventually these features will also require 
> Barbican, so I agree with Adrian that we as a community should be encouraging 
> deployers to adopt the best security practices.
> Regarding the Keystone solution, I'd like to hear the Keystone team's 
> feadback on that.  It definitely sounds to me like you're trying to put a 
> square peg in a round hole.
> - Doug
> On 3/17/16 8:45 PM, Hongbin Lu wrote:
>> Thanks Adrian,
>> I think the Keystone approach will work. For others, please speak up 
>> if it doesn't work for you.
>> Best regards,
>> Hongbin
>> *From:*Adrian Otto []
>> *Sent:* March-17-16 9:28 PM
>> *To:* OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
>> *Subject:* Re: [openstack-dev] [magnum] High Availability
>> Hongbin,
>> I tweaked the blueprint in accordance with this approach, and approved 
>> it for Newton:
>> re
>> I think this is something we can all agree on as a middle ground, If 
>> not, I'm open to revisiting the discussion.
>> Thanks,
>> Adrian
>>     On Mar 17, 2016, at 6:13 PM, Adrian Otto <
>>     <>> wrote:
>>     Hongbin,
>>     One alternative we could discuss as an option for operators that
>>     have a good reason not to use Barbican, is to use Keystone.
>>     Keystone credentials store:
>> i-v3.html#credentials-v3-credentials
>>     The contents are stored in plain text in the Keystone DB, so we
>>     would want to generate an encryption key per bay, encrypt the
>>     certificate and store it in keystone. We would then use the same key
>>     to decrypt it upon reading the key back. This might be an acceptable
>>     middle ground for clouds that will not or can not run Barbican. This
>>     should work for any OpenStack cloud since Grizzly. The total amount
>>     of code in Magnum would be small, as the API already exists. We
>>     would need a library function to encrypt and decrypt the data, and
>>     ideally a way to select different encryption algorithms in case one
>>     is judged weak at some point in the future, justifying the use of an
>>     alternate.
>>     Adrian
>>     On Mar 17, 2016, at 4:55 PM, Adrian Otto <
>>     <>> wrote:
>>     Hongbin,
>>     On Mar 17, 2016, at 2:25 PM, Hongbin Lu <
>>     <>> wrote:
>>     Adrian,
>>     I think we need a boarder set of inputs in this matter, so I moved
>>     the discussion from whiteboard back to here. Please check my replies
>>     inline.
>>     I would like to get a clear problem statement written for this.
>>     As I see it, the problem is that there is no safe place to put
>>     certificates in clouds that do not run Barbican.
>>     It seems the solution is to make it easy to add Barbican such that
>>     it's included in the setup for Magnum.
>>     No, the solution is to explore an non-Barbican solution to store
>>     certificates securely.
>>     I am seeking more clarity about why a non-Barbican solution is
>>     desired. Why is there resistance to adopting both Magnum and
>>     Barbican together? I think the answer is that people think they can
>>     make Magnum work with really old clouds that were set up before
>>     Barbican was introduced. That expectation is simply not reasonable.
>>     If there were a way to easily add Barbican to older clouds, perhaps
>>     this reluctance would melt away.
>>         Magnum should not be in the business of credential storage when
>>         there is an existing service focused on that need.
>>         Is there an issue with running Barbican on older clouds?
>>         Anyone can choose to use the builtin option with Magnum if hey
>>         don't have Barbican.
>>         A known limitation of that approach is that certificates are not
>>         replicated.
>>     I guess the *builtin* option you referred is simply placing the
>>     certificates to local file system. A few of us had concerns on this
>>     approach (In particular, Tom Cammann has gave -2 on the review [1])
>>     because it cannot scale beyond a single conductor. Finally, we made
>>     a compromise to land this option and use it for testing/debugging
>>     only. In other words, this option is not for production. As a
>>     result, Barbican becomes the only option for production which is the
>>     root of the problem. It basically forces everyone to install
>>     Barbican in order to use Magnum.
>>     [1]
>>     It's probably a bad idea to replicate them.
>>     That's what Barbican is for. --adrian_otto
>>     Frankly, I am surprised that you disagreed here. Back to July 2015,
>>     we all agreed to have two phases of implementation and the statement
>>     was made by you [2].
>>     ================================================================
>>     #agreed Magnum will use Barbican for an initial implementation for
>>     certificate generation and secure storage/retrieval.  We will commit
>>     to a second phase of development to eliminating the hard requirement
>>     on Barbican with an alternate implementation that implements the
>>     functional equivalent implemented in Magnum, which may depend on
>>     libraries, but not Barbican.
>>     ================================================================
>>     [2]
>> ml
>>     The context there is important. Barbican was considered for two
>>     purposes: (1) CA signing capability, and (2) certificate storage. My
>>     willingness to implement an alternative was based on our need to get
>>     a certificate generation and signing solution that actually worked,
>>     as Barbican did not work for that at the time. I have always viewed
>>     Barbican as a suitable solution for certificate storage, as that was
>>     what it was first designed for. Since then, we have implemented
>>     certificate generation and signing logic within a library that does
>>     not depend on Barbican, and we can use that safely in production use
>>     cases. What we don't have built in is what Barbican is best at,
>>     secure storage for our certificates that will allow multi-conductor
>>     operation.
>>     I am opposed to the idea that Magnum should re-implement Barbican
>>     for certificate storage just because operators are reluctant to
>>     adopt it. If we need to ship a Barbican instance along with each
>>     Magnum control plane, so be it, but I don't see the value in
>>     re-inventing the wheel. I promised the OpenStack community that we
>>     were out to integrate with and enhance OpenStack not to replace it.
>>     Now, with all that said, I do recognize that not all clouds are
>>     motivated to use all available security best practices. They may be
>>     operating in environments that they believe are already secure
>>     (because of a secure perimeter), and that it's okay to run
>>     fundamentally insecure software within those environments. As
>>     misguided as this viewpoint may be, it's common. My belief is that
>>     it's best to offer the best practice by default, and only allow
>>     insecure operation when someone deliberately turns of fundamental
>>     security features.
>>     With all this said, I also care about Magnum adoption as much as all
>>     of us, so I'd like us to think creatively about how to strike the
>>     right balance between re-implementing existing technology, and
>>     making that technology easily accessible.
>>     Thanks,
>>     Adrian
>>     Best regards,
>>     Hongbin
>>     -----Original Message-----
>>     From: Adrian Otto []
>>     Sent: March-17-16 4:32 PM
>>     To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
>>     Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [magnum] High Availability
>>     I have trouble understanding that blueprint. I will put some remarks
>>     on the whiteboard. Duplicating Barbican sounds like a mistake to me.
>>     --
>>     Adrian
>>     On Mar 17, 2016, at 12:01 PM, Hongbin Lu <
>>     <>> wrote:
>>     The problem of missing Barbican alternative implementation has been
>>     raised several times by different people. IMO, this is a very
>>     serious issue that will hurt Magnum adoption. I created a blueprint
>>     for that [1] and set the PTL as approver. It will be picked up by a
>>     contributor once it is approved.
>>     [1]
>>     re
>>     Best regards,
>>     Hongbin
>>     -----Original Message-----
>>     From: Ricardo Rocha []
>>     Sent: March-17-16 2:39 PM
>>     To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
>>     Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [magnum] High Availability
>>     Hi.
>>     We're on the way, the API is using haproxy load balancing in the
>>     same way all openstack services do here - this part seems to work fine.
>>     For the conductor we're stopped due to bay certificates - we don't
>>     currently have barbican so local was the only option. To get them
>>     accessible on all nodes we're considering two options:
>>     - store bay certs in a shared filesystem, meaning a new set of
>>     credentials in the boxes (and a process to renew fs tokens)
>>     - deploy barbican (some bits of puppet missing we're sorting out)
>>     More news next week.
>>     Cheers,
>>     Ricardo
>>     On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 6:46 PM, Daneyon Hansen (danehans)
>>     < <>> wrote:
>>     All,
>>     Does anyone have experience deploying Magnum in a highly-available
>>     fashion?
>>     If so, I'm interested in learning from your experience. My biggest
>>     unknown is the Conductor service. Any insight you can provide is
>>     greatly appreciated.
>>     Regards,
>>     Daneyon Hansen
>>     _____________________________________________________________________

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