Sounds like a reasonable optimization, but may not always be possible. Take, 
for example, the ceph backend. For other backends that are appliances, they 
would have to be able to implement a ceph client that matches the version of 
the ceph servers in use. That might be very difficult to support.

So maybe allow it, but have some automatic fall back mechanism if it fails?

From: liuxinguo []
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2016 6:44 PM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
Cc: Zhangli (ISSP); Luozhen
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [cinder] Does the OpenStack community(or Cinder 
team) allow one driver to call another driver's public method?

Hi Jon,

My basic idea is that, when we need to migrate a volume from my (vendor of) 
storage array to another backend (storage array), we will firstly call the 
other backend's create_volume() to create a volume on the other backend,
and then we will take my backend (storage array) as a "host" and attach other 
backend's volume to our backend (storage array). And then we can migrate the 
volume from our storage array to other storage array directly and very 
And at last when the migration finished, we call the other backend's 
terminate_connection() to detach the volume from our storage array.

Of course, the precondition is that our backend array is connected (can copy 
data) to other backend array so we can migrate volume directly between them.

Wilson Liu

发件人: Jon Bernard []
发送时间: 2016年3月23日 4:44
收件人: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
抄送: Luozhen
主题: Re: [openstack-dev] [cinder] Does the OpenStack community(or Cinder team) 
allow one driver to call another driver's public method?

* liuxinguo <> wrote:
> Hi Cinder team,
> We are going to implement storage-assisted volume migrate in our
> driver between different backend storage array or even different array
> of different vendors.  This is really high-efficiency than the
> host-copy migration between different array of different vendors.

Could you elaborate more on this?  During a volume migration operation we give 
the driver an opportunity to more-intelligently relocate the volume's data.  
This is done through the migrate_volume() method defined in the driver itself.  
If this method exists, it will be called before falling back to a byte-for-byte 
copy approach - and if it succeeds the volume is considered migrated and the 
operation returns.

Is this what you were looking for, or did you have something different in mind?


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