-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew Thode <prometheanf...@gentoo.org>
Reply: prometheanf...@gentoo.org <prometheanf...@gentoo.org>, OpenStack 
Development Mailing List (not for usage questions) 
Date: March 25, 2016 at 11:10:52
To: openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org <openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org>
Subject:  Re: [openstack-dev] Which projects support wsgi / python3 in mitaka?

> On 03/25/2016 09:54 AM, Matthew Thode wrote:
> > I'm updating the packaging for openstack in preparation for the release
> > and need some info to update correctly. I'm specifically looking at the
> > following services.
> >
> > I don't know if any of these services support python3 fully as a service
> > (liberty was kinda wishy washy on that). Even if it supports python3,
> > which version, 3.4 or 3.4 or 3.5 (or multiple).
> >
> > keystone - probably - keystone/server/wsgi.py
> > swift - don't think so
> > glance - maybe? - glance/api/ and glance/registry/ seems to have some
> > scripts, but not as simple as scrubber/registry/api.
> > cinder - probably - cinder/wsgi/wsgi.py
> > neutron - probably - neutron/server/wsgi_pecan.py
> > nova - probably - both in nova/wsgi/
> > heat - probably - three under heat/httpd/
> >
> > Don't think docs are out yet (which would likely have some of this
> > info), but any info you have around this would help.
> Found the info around python3, just need confirmation on where to find
> those wsgi scripts :P
> Thanks for the link Ian.
> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Python3#Python_3_Status_of_OpenStack_projects 

Side note, depending on exactly which wsgi script you're looking for, pbr may 
generate them for you. For example, if a project has a wsgi_scripts entry-point 
in their setup.cfg, that will generate mod_wsgi scripts for an Apache 
deployment. That said, I expect that you should probably be using `python3 
setup.py` as the basis for your generation of those scripts.

Also, I think most of the services have entry-points generate the scripts that 
run things. I'm not certain you should be using the paths you described above 

Keystone definitely uses wsgi_scripts in its setup.cfg.

Ian Cordasco

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