I am Dean Troyer and would like to nominate myself as a candidate for
re-election to the Technical Committee.

I have a bit of history with OpenStack: I was early contributor to
DevStack, I started Grenade to perform basic upgrade testing, and I started
the OpenStackClient project. I currently work for Intel from the heart of
flyover country, Kansas City MO.

As we gained experience with the Big Text transition I believe it has
become increasingly clear that we need to refine our mission and focus, and
get a little more specific about what should be part of OpenStack and what
should be separate. It may be more appropriate to look at OpenStack not as
a single large tent, but as a group of connected medium-sized tents.

The fundamental idea of the Big Tent is still sound, however, I believe our
experience shows that we need to refine the application. The core of this
has not changed in my view, we still must define these tents by the
technical relationships between projects. As much as some try to deny it,
not all projects are created equal. For example, Nova will always need
Glance, unless Nova grown its own image service.

I believe we need to get our current house (tent!) in order and simplify
what we have rather than focus on growing the number of projects and
features. For the TC, one form this takes is in encouraging projects to
periodically focus on lowering technical debt. Often called a 'stability
release' this is unpopular with those who measure success by how many
features have been added. I think it is up to the TC to encourage measuring
success by other things that are harder to count, like the improvement of
operators and users lives by making OpenStack feel like a more cohesive
collection of projects.

I would be honored to continue serving the community on the Technical



Dean Troyer
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