Hi All,

If this is RTFM please point me there and I apologize.

If not:

We are testing the Liberty to Mitaka transition with OSAD.  Could someone
please advise if these were the correct general steps.

osad multinode (VMs/instances inside a osad cloud) built with latest 12.X
liberty osad
1. save off config files: openstack_user_config.yml, user_variables,yml,
...hostname..., inventory,  etc.
2. rm -rf /etc/openstack_deploy; rm -rf /opt/openstack-ansible
3. git clone -b stable/mitaka ....
4. copy config files back in place
5. ./scripts/bootstrap-ansible.sh
6. openstack-ansible setup-everything.yml

That is the process we ran and it appears to have went well after adding
the "-e rabbit_upgrade=true" flag.

Only straggler process that I found so far was a neutron-ns-metadata-proxy
that was still running 12.X liberty code.  restarted the container and it
didn't start again, but the 13.X mitaka version is running ( and was before
shutdown ).

Is this the correct upgrade process or are there other steps / approaches
that should be taken ?

Best Regards,
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