Hello everybody,

Below is my summary of the Searchlight related discussions and results from the 
Austin Summit. I apologize for the length, but just decided to include all the 
session summaries in a single email. As always, please correct, add, etc!

5 Sessions (3 Searchlight Session, 1 joint Swift Team Session, 1 Horizon 


Searchlight Notifications (Fishbowl)

This had good attendance with at least 25 people in the room. We used the 
following etherpad to communicate and share:


Nova notifications:

Jay Pipes and another person (didn’t catch his name) provided a lot of help 
with pointers on using versioned notifications. Jay said that they (Nova) are 
working towards providing an API where we can get a schema [0] for the 
versioned notifications and then can extract the data we need based on the 
version of the Nova data that we need.

[0] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/#Nova_Notification_Meeting

Jay later introduced us to Balazs Gibizer (gibi - the Nova versioned 
notification sub-team lead). Balazs said he’d love to help us get any data in 
that we need and he gave us the pointer that they are restarting the weekly 
versioned notification meetings [1].

[1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/311194/

It was mentioned that we also we should take a look at “Stackdistiller” [2].

[2] https://github.com/openstack/stacktach-stackdistiller

Jay also mentioned that he has brought up the topic of the Nova team to stop 
trying to do their own search and proxy the Nova list API to Searchlight [3].

[3] http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-April/093482.html

Ironic notifications: Three people from Ironic attended and expressed a lot of 
interest in supporting Searchlight. They noted that Ironic is currently working 
on adding notifications and their feedback was "Please look at the 
notifications patch and just tell us what you need.” [4]

[4] https://bugs.launchpad.net/searchlight/+bug/1526408

Designate notifications: Graham Hayes noted that we need to consider v1 
deprecated and can do that as soon as Horizon moves to v2.

Cinder notifications: Duncan Thomas says that the changes Searchlight needs for 
notifications should be available within a few weeks.

Heat notifications: Several people expressed interest in Heat, but there 
weren’t any concrete actions taken from this session.

Searchlight Priorities

I communicated that the most important theme for Newton is production 
readiness. We will be targeting moving from 0.x to 1.x this release (Kilo was 
an experimental glance feature, Liberty was Searchlight 0.1, and Mitaka was 
Searchlight 0.2). So scalability, security, and performance are all top 
priority. This includes moving to ElasticSearch 2.x, which is nearly complete. 
Our ongoing theme of adding plugins for additional resources will continue, but 
reviews related to production readiness should have higher priority. Richard 
Jones mentioned using OSIC for testing and would talk to somebody about 
creating OSAD scripts to deploy Searchlight in OSIC.

The session was unfortunately a bit short, leaving us with only time to walk 
the list of all blueprints listed as High and give people an opportunity to 
voice an opinion whether or not any high priorities should be bumped down and 
whether or not we were missing any high priorities. Here are a few notes from 
that session:

Melissa, the Rackspace Public Cloud control panel program manager attended and 
said that they are looking into using Searchlight to fill the API gaps. They 
have tried to handle quite a few things on the front end (javascript), but 
still have some troubles getting what they need out of the APIs. She said her 
highest priority for Searchlight are servers (instances) and doing anything we 
can to ensure there is no impact to Nova when deploying Searchlight. We 
mentioned the versioned notification work and I also proposed that we add a 
configuration option to disable API callbacks for any data not received via 
notifications.  I have opened a bug on this, and we’ll have to look further 
into this idea [5].

[5] https://bugs.launchpad.net/searchlight/+bug/1577947

We dropped the priority of adding support for Neutron policy based sharing to 
medium [6]. Brad Pokorny (Symantec – had a main conference presentation on 
securing APIs via policy) told us that he thought this should be a lower 
priority than our other blueprints. He also said he’d be willing to look over 
our current Policy controls on searchlight to look for holes.

[6] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/searchlight/+spec/neutron-tenant-rbac

We added back a story to further improve developer docs.  Several people asked 
how they could create a plugin and said they wanted more help. Steve has 
already started on this request [7].

[7] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/312224/

Swift Integration

We agreed on the following components:

* Provide a middleware pipeline plugin with direct injection using ES library
* Provide a hook in the container sync work to also interact with the ES 
injection library

Swift Middleware pipeline plugin

We agreed with the team to continue building out the ES indexing library and it 
is okay to have a dependency on the ES client library.  In discussions about 
OSLO messaging, we explored the idea to build ES as a driver for the messaging 
(instead of rabbit). This would allow deployers with Rabbit to use Rabbit and 
those who don’t to go straight to ES. However, there was concern that the 
dependencies [8] that OSLO messaging pulls in are too much for the Swift-only 
deployers like Swiftstack to handle. Swiftstack in particular spoke of how they 
would have to package and support each of those libraries for 7 different OS 
distributions. They did say that if taking “rabbit” out as a default driver for 
oslo.messaging would remove most the dependencies, then this could be 

Action: See how much the oslo.messaging dependencies are reduced when the 
rabbit driver isn’t included. 

[8] https://pypi.python.org/pypi/oslo.messaging

There was discussion about increasing performance of indexing by only indexing 
in bulk. The idea was suggested to use Green threads to implement a very simple 
batch queuing system.  It would just collect incoming data requests and given a 
certain configurable number (e.g. 20, 200, etc) at which point it would flush 
the queue and send a batch of requests to ES.  It was agreed this could be a 
follow-on patch.

The spec [9] for this library will be updated appropriately.

[9] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/305404/

Swift Container Sync

This is something  which Timur Alperovich is working on and was originally just 
going to do internal swift-y things [10].  However, they’ve decided that they 
would make it a bit smarter and able to handle plugging the direct ES indexer 
library into it. It would then provide backup indexing to the middleware (cache 
coherency kind of concepts).


Searchlight Pipeline Architecture

Yuntong Jin from Intel was able to attend the session and he did a quick 
whiteboard diagram on the concept. We agreed in principle to the concepts and 
we agreed that we need to start merging by Newton 2 to avoid destabilization at 
the end of Newton.

Searchlight Cross Region Search

General agreement was that this was a deployer choice.  We should put region 
information into the data we index and document how deployers could set up 
Tribe nodes.  However, there are other complications and we decided to lower 
the priority of doing any more work this release. We may do more in the future. 
The spec has been updated to reflect this decision [11].

[11] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/301227/

Searchlight Data Normalization

We presented the problem with ElasticSearch 2.0 [12] and discussed various 
solutions, but didn’t reach a perfect answer. Solutions discussed:

* Different indexes when there are collisions
* Same index and normalize for storage, but massage data back into API format 
on the way out (current choice and patch up)
* Use multi-fields (Jason Galyon from Softlayer said he would email us with 
additional thoughts here)

[12] https://bugs.launchpad.net/searchlight/+bug/1532010

Searchlight in Horizon

Registry and Actions

The resource type registry related work was given “Critical” Priority. The 
developer panel and various actions were then spread across different 
priorities [13]. This is important for the searchlight-ui extensibility.

[13] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/horizon-newton-priorities

Operator Feedback

Items of particular note for Searchlight where we can help are that several 
people complained about the lack of pagination and search in Horizon [14].

[14o] Full notes here: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/horizon-newton-feedback

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