The Foundation has been given an opportunity to do a training for
Application Developers at PyCon on Saturday May 28th at 11am for 90minutes.

This is a request for those familiar with the OpenStack SDK to help work
through the "My 1st App Guide" with the SDK of your choice.

This is a great opportunity to road test the SDKs with our main user
audience: application developers.

As many of you will have discussed in Austin, we are yet to have consensus
on a standard Python SDK, with the community split over Shade, LibCloud and
the Python SDK which the CLI is build upon, let alone SDKs purpose built
for single clouds:

This training is a great 'early doors' opportunity for us to work with
Application Developers at the coal face, to find some signal from noise.

Naturally, some consensus is needed so we can encourage OpenStack clouds to
have a shared SDK for Application Developers.

One question which AppDev (from outside our community continue to ask):
"why would I use an SDK which only works with OpenStack, I don't want to be
locked into working with just one cloud?"

This is a great opportunity for us to work with Application Developers at
the coal face, to find some signal from noise.

If you are interested in helping out please contact me ASAP.  I'm working
on wrangling some Portland Stackers to provide on-hand support as well, so
you won't be alone.

​Greatly appreciated for any considerations, guidance and/or bravery to go
into the breach!

​Kind Regards,

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