On Mon, Aug 01, 2016 at 09:15:46PM -0500, Matt Riedemann wrote:
> <snip>
> * Placement API for resource providers
> Jay's personal goal for Newton is for the resource tracker to be writing
> inventory and allocation data via the placement API. We want to get the data
> writing into the placement API in Newton so we can start using it in Ocata.
> There are some spec amendments up for resource providers, at least one has
> merged, and the initial placement API change merged today:
> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/329149/
> We talked about supporting dynamic resource classes for Ironic use cases
> which is a stretch goal for Nova in Newton. Jay has a spec for that here:
> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/312696/
> There is a lot more detail in the etherpad and honestly Jay Pipes or Jim
> Rollenhagen would be better to summarize what came out of this at the
> midcycle and what's being worked on for dynamic resource classes right now.

I actually wrote a bit about this last week:

I'm not sure it covers everything, but it's the important pieces I got
from it.

// jim

> We talked about a separate placement API database but decided this should be
> optional to avoid forcing yet another nova database on deployers in a couple
> of releases. This would be available for deployers to use to avoid some
> future upgrade pain when the placement service is split out from Nova, but
> if not configured it will default to the API database for the placement API.
> There are a bunch more details and discussion on that in this thread that
> Chris Dent started after the midcycle:
> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-July/100302.html
> <snip>
> -- 
> Thanks,
> Matt Riedemann
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