Excerpts from Jay Pipes's message of 2016-08-04 18:14:46 -0400:
> On 08/04/2016 05:30 PM, Clint Byrum wrote:
> > Excerpts from Fox, Kevin M's message of 2016-08-04 19:20:43 +0000:
> >> I disagree. I see glare as a superset of the needs of the image api and 
> >> one feature I need thats image related was specifically shot down as "the 
> >> artefact api will solve that".
> >>
> >> You have all the same needs to version/catalog/store images. They are not 
> >> more special then a versioned/cataloged/stored heat templates, murano 
> >> apps, tuskar workflows, etc. I've heard multiple times, members of the 
> >> glance team saying  that once glare is fully mature, they could stub out 
> >> the v1/v2 glance apis on top of glare. What is the benefit to splitting if 
> >> the end goal is to recombine/make one project irrelevant?
> >>
> >> This feels like to me, another case of an established, original tent 
> >> project not wanting to deal with something that needs to be dealt with, 
> >> and instead pushing it out to another project with the hope that it just 
> >> goes away. With all the traction non original tent projects have gotten 
> >> since the big tent was established, that might be an accurate conclusion, 
> >> but really bad for users/operators of OpenStack.
> >>
> >> I really would like glance/glare to reconsider this stance. OpenStack 
> >> continuously budding off projects is not a good pattern.
> >>
> >
> > So very this.
> Honestly, operators need to move past the "oh, not another service to 
> install/configure" thing.
> With the whole "microservice the world" movement, that ship has long 
> since sailed, and frankly, the cost of adding another microservice into 
> the deployment at this point is tiny -- it should be nothing more than a 
> few lines in a Puppet manifest, Chef module, Ansible playbook, or Salt 
> state file.
> If you're doing deployment right, adding new services to the 
> microservice architecture that OpenStack projects are being pushed 
> towards should not be an issue.
> I find it odd that certain folks are pushing hard for the 
> shared-nothing, microservice-it-all software architecture and yet 
> support this mentality that adding another couple (dozen if need be) 
> lines of configuration data to a deployment script is beyond the pale to 
> ask of operators.

Agreed, deployment isn't that big of a deal. I actually thought Kevin's
point was that the lack of focus was the problem. I think the point in
bringing up deployment is simply that it isn't free, not that it's the
reason to combine the two.

> > It's clear there's been a disconnect in expectations between the outside
> > and inside of development.
> >
> > The hope from the outside was that we'd end up with a user friendly
> > frontend API to artifacts, that included more capability for cataloging
> > images.  It sounds like the two teams never actually shared that vision
> > and remained two teams, instead of combining into one under a shared
> > vision.
> >
> > Thanks for all your hard work, Glance and Glare teams. I don't think
> > any of us can push a vision on you. But, as Kevin says above: consider
> > addressing the lack of vision and cooperation head on, rather than
> > turning your backs on each-other. The users will sing your praises if
> > you can get it done.
> It's been three years, two pre-big-tent TC graduation reviews (one for a 
> split out murano app catalog, one for the combined project team being 
> all things artifact), and over that three years, the original Glance 
> project has at times crawled to a near total stop from a contribution 
> perspective and not indicated much desire to incorporate the generic 
> artifacts API or code. Time for this cooperation came and went with 
> ample opportunities.
> The Glare project is moving on.

The point is that this should be reconsidered, and that these internal
problems, now surfaced, seem surmountable if there's actually a reason
to get past them. Since it seems from the start, Glare and Glance never
actually intended to converge on a generic artifacts API, but rather
to simply tolerate one another (back when I supported their merging,
I never thought this would be the case), then of course, it wasn't going
to go well.

But, if I look at this from a user perspective, if I do want to use
anything other than images as cloud artifacts, the story is pretty

Anyway, it's done, and I think we should take it as a lesson that team
mergers are complicated social activities, not technical ones, and so
they should be handled with care.

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