Since we cut newton-rc1 last Thursday the master branch is now officially open for Ocata development. We're still working on newton-rc2 and may be backporting regression bug fixes. I expect to tag newton-rc2 sometime next week after the final translations are in.

I've started approving some specless blueprints for Ocata already since they are carry overs from newton:

If you had a spec proposed or approved for Newton but the blueprint wasn't completed in Newton, please re-propose the spec for Ocata:

Given the short runway with the Ocata schedule:

I don't think we're going to limit spec approvals to only re-proposals of previously approved specs. We have 4 weeks until the summit and only a little over 2 weeks after the summit before the o-1 milestone. So everything is fair game right now for specs, but I'd personally like to prioritize re-approvals.

I think we'll be looking at a spec freeze at o-1 and then standard feature freeze at o-3, for both priority and non-priority items. However, I know that when push comes to shove, if we're rushing at the last two weeks before feature freeze to get things done, the priority blueprints are going to get priority. I'm hoping I can do a better job of checkpointing our progress during Ocata so we're not rushing so much at the end, but will need help from the subteams to stay on task and on track for our goals for the release.

To simplify, I have the proposed Ocata draft schedule for Nova on the wiki here:

As a reminder for summit planning, we have an etherpad here for proposed topics:

I'm going to filter that list this week and we'll meet next week to discuss session topics and the design summit schedule. The currently proposed track layout is in Thierry's email here:

Let me know if you have any questions either by pinging me in #openstack-nova in freenode IRC or just reply to this email.



Matt Riedemann

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