Dear Neutron Core members,

I have a query regarding the procedure for inclusion in the Neutron Stadium.
I wanted to know if a project can apply for Big Tent and Neutron Stadium
together ( means can a project be accepted in the Neutron Stadium and as a
result into the Big Tent )

I was checking out the checklist in  [1], and IMO , I think that we need to
conform to the checklist to be added to the Neutron Stadium ( along with
the other requirements  like keeping in sync with the core neutron concepts)

But IIUC, certain items in the checklist would be completed if a project is
already included in the Big Tent.

So my doubt is ,should a project apply for the Big Tent first, and after
inclusion, apply for Neutron Stadium ? Or can a project be integrated to
Neutron Stadium and Big Tent simultaneously ( I am a bit sceptical about
this though)?

Thanks and Regards,
Reedip Banerjee
IRC: reedip
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