Deal all.

I have some questions about what will Neutron does in next releases.

As far as I know, LBaaSv2 will be deprecated in next 2 releases, maybe P
release, we will not see LBaaSv2 anymore, isn't it? Instead of LBaaSv2(
HAProxy driver based ), Octavia will be the only LBaaS solution, isn't it?

What's about namespace based L3 router? Do we have any ideas about NFV
solution in L3 router just like Octavia?

Finally, where will Neutron *aaS go in future? Now, vpnaas was not part of
neutron governance. What about fwaas? Do we deprecated it in next releases?

I wish someone could give some exact words about these. I will thanks a
lot. :)

Zhi Chang
OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

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