There are some interesting points in this topic.  I agree entirely with Sam
Yaple.  It does not make sense to me to have kolla-ansible and
kolla-kubernetes cores involved with the introduction of a new deliverable
under the kolla umbrella.  A new deliverable (read: project, really) should
not rely on a separate project to ratify its existence.  I feel this is
dangerous.  I also feel looking at the different deployment methodologies
scoped under the kolla project as competition or rivalry is folly.  I'm
honestly a bit concerned about how broad the scope of the project kolla has
become.  I think the conversation of separating the deployment projects
from the kolla umbrella is a conversation worth having at some point.

The repo split was a step in the right direction, but currently the
deliverables (4, if kolla-salt becomes a thing) are sharing a single PTL, a
single IRC channel, and a single IRC weekly meeting.  This has the
potential of introducing a significant amount of overhead for the
overarching project as a whole.  What happens if kolla-puppet becomes a
thing?  What if kolla-mesos was still about?  I think we can all agree this
gets out of hand quickly.

Yes, people are religious about the tools they use, and deployment tools
are no different.  I think scoping them all under the same umbrella project
is a mistake in the long term.  The folks that want to focus on Ansible
should be able to focus wholly on Ansible with like-minded folks, same for
Salt, same for whatever.  Having them remain together for the sake of
sharing a name isn't sustainable in the long term -- let each do what they
do well.  As far as being able to talk and share experiences in deployments
or whatever, let's not act as if IRC channels have walls we can't reach
across.  As part of the kolla-kubernetes community, it's imperative that I
can reach across the gap to work with people in the Helm and Kubernetes
community.  If the deployment tools existed separately, there's nothing
stopping them from asking either.

But in regards to the question, if kolla-salt is to be a thing, I think the
PTL and the kolla team proper can decide that.  As a contributor for
kolla-kubernetes, it does not and should not affect me.

On Thu, Jan 5, 2017 at 3:14 PM, Doug Hellmann <> wrote:

> Excerpts from Michał Jastrzębski's message of 2017-01-05 11:45:49 -0800:
> > I think total separation of projects would require much larger
> > discussion in community. Currently we agreed on having kolla-ansible
> > and kolla-k8s to be deliverables under kolla umbrella from historical
> > reasons. Also I don't agree that there is "little or no overlap" in
> > teams, in fact there is ton of overlap, just not 100%. Many
> > contributors (myself included) jump between deliverables today.
> OK, that's good to know. It wasn't clear from some of the initial
> messages in this thread, which seemed to imply otherwise.
> Doug
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