"Bailey, Darragh" <dbai...@hp.com> writes:

> Hi,
> Any chance that zuul could report back a 'WARNING' in yellow for non-voting 
> jobs that fail? Still useful to know that it ran.
> Seems just a little too easy to miss that the text is different.

Sure, we're actually just overriding 'SUCCESS' and 'FAILURE', so we can
change it to 'SUCCESS nothing changed' and 'WARNING something changed' I
think.  We'd need to update the commentlink regex and css in gerrit to
add a WARNING state.

We mostly removed SUCCESS and FAILURE from that text because we didn't
want to make people think that it was bad to change the xml output.
It's only bad to change it if you don't mean to. :) Warning may be a
good middle ground.


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