[switching thread to infra - I mistakenly asked Mikhail to bring this
up on -dev when I really meant -infra]

On Tue, Oct 4, 2016 at 9:20 AM, Mikhail Fedosin <mfedo...@mirantis.com> wrote:
> Hello folks!
> Last week we released glare 0.1 and today they built a deb package for us -
> now it's located in unstable repo
> https://packages.debian.org/source/sid/glare with several dependencies from
> experimental.
> Currently we can't deploy it on ubuntu, because 14.04 doesn't have all
> required packages (like 'microversion-parse') and for 16.04 they are not
> built yet. James Page promised everything will be available in 2-3 weeks,
> but we can't wait for so long.
> Now all other activities are done: we have working puppets, packages and
> app-catalog code on review. For this reason I suggest to deploy staging vm
> on debian sid, managed by openstack-infra, and let people test and play with
> it. When ubuntu packages appear we will able to deploy ubuntu 16.04
> immediately.

For last round of review and feedback on the look/feel of the
glare-backed app-catalog, I think this makes the most sense.

>From the last conversation we had around this[1], we would be at step
7 "deploy stagging.apps.openstack.org from 'glare-support' branches".
There was one point fungi brought up[2], which was that we would not
be creating special branches for this work.  Rather, the puppet
manifest[3] would be adjusted to accept git commit IDs where un-merged
code was called for.

I haven't been through anything this complicated with the help of the
Infra team yet, so not sure how best to proceed.  Please do let me
know how we can help, and what's next.  Thanks!

[3]: https://review.openstack.org/359029
[4]: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/glare-work


> Best regards,
> Mikhail Fedosin
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