On 2017-08-03 20:34:14 +0000 (+0000), Morgenstern, Chad wrote:
> We just noticed that our blogs have not been showing up on
> planet.openstack.org.  Looks like there was a configuration issue
> in the planet.ini which I just fixed. I'm wondering, now that the
> ini is corrected (I hope), will our older posts show up or will
> only the blogs we post after the change is picked up show up on
> your site?

> If the latter, is there anything I can do to get the older posts
> up?

Error in which planet.ini file where? If you mean the one in the
openstack-planet Git repository, I see no signs of recent changes
merged to it nor any waiting for review.

According to the logs from the 20:45 and 21:00 UTC runs just now (it
fires every 15 minutes), the aggregator noted the following:

    WARNING:planet.runner:No data http://netapp.io/category/openstack/

The cache directory for it also contains no content for that site
yet, so if it was actually fixed I think it might try to interleave
your earlier posts but I don't actually know enough about its
internals to be able to say that for certain.
Jeremy Stanley

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