On 2017-11-28 05:35:54 +0000 (+0000), Tristan Cacqueray wrote:
> We are pleased to announce that Software Factory version 2.7 is
> now available. Among other things, it includes a native zuulv3
> support:

Not to take away from how awesome this is (it definitely is,
congratulations!) but it would have been better to present the "Zuul
v3 support" as a technology preview. Zuul hasn't released 3.0.0 yet,
v3 is very much in beta with remaining features planned before
release. I worry that people trying it out via SF might get a
negative impression since it's still an incomplete work in progress
at this point. In the interest of learning lessons from history,
let's do our best not have a repeat of the GCC 2.96 incident. ;)
Jeremy Stanley

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