Hello all,

In the DFG:Upgrades we have been doing some work to create a role which
performs TripleO upgrades/updates that can be used for downstream testing,
as well as upstream.

The main problem is that the original repository (redhat-openstack/tripleo-
upgrade <https://github.com/redhat-openstack/tripleo-upgrade>) was imported
some months ago (July '17) into openstack namespace with the idea of
starting working on it and leave the redhat-openstack one aside. But, due
to agility reasons the developement went on in the redhat-openstack
namespace one, leaving openstack/tripleo-upgrade
<https://github.com/openstack/tripleo-upgrade> abandoned.

Now, we are trying to integrate the role with tripleo-quickstart and for
that, we need to work in the openstack namespace one, but there is a
difference of 87 commits between one and the other, what makes it difficult
to merge.

We were wondering if it would be possible to sync both repositories without
passing through gerrit or re-import openstack/tripleo-upgrade again from
redhat-openstack/tripleo-upgrade repository. With the intention of starting
working on openstack/tripleo-upgrade repository only and avoid any
situation like this in the future. Can anyone from openstack-infra give us
a hand with this?

Thank you.

Jose Luis
OpenStack-Infra mailing list

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