On 12/16/2017 10:17 AM, Clark Boylan wrote:
> As the week ends there are a few services that are still in progress.
> Hope to get them done shortly:
>    * etherpad.openstack.org
>    * ethercalc.openstack.org
>    * status.openstack.org

Working on these, all pretty much held up due to nodejs issues but
reviews are out.

There's a bunch of stuff that wouldn't show up until live, but we
probably could have got a lot of prep work out of the way if the
integration tests were doing something.  I didn't realise that although
we run the tests, most of our modules don't actually have any tests
run ... even something very simple like "apply without failures"

Of our integration modules, only a few have tests per below.  If we
have a pre-sprint next time to get some basic testing of these modules
against 18.04 I think that would be helpful.

That said, this has been particularly big one due to our renaming of
things into numeric groups and upstart->systemd changes.


$ for d in puppet-*; do printf "%-30s"  "$d"; if $(ls 
$d/spec/acceptance/*_spec.rb > /dev/null 2>&1  ); then echo "YES"; else echo 
"NO" ; fi done
puppet-accessbot              YES
puppet-ansible                YES
puppet-askbot                 NO
puppet-asterisk               NO
puppet-bandersnatch           YES
puppet-bugdaystats            NO
puppet-bup                    NO
puppet-cgit                   YES
puppet-diskimage_builder      YES
puppet-drupal                 NO
puppet-elastic_recheck        NO
puppet-elasticsearch          YES
puppet-ethercalc              NO
puppet-etherpad_lite          NO
puppet-exim                   NO
puppet-germqtt                NO
puppet-gerrit                 YES
puppet-gerritbot              NO
puppet-github                 NO
puppet-grafyaml               NO
puppet-graphite               YES
puppet-haveged                YES
puppet-hound                  YES
puppet-httpd                  YES
puppet-infracloud             YES
puppet-iptables               NO
puppet-jeepyb                 NO
puppet-jenkins                YES
puppet-kerberos               NO
puppet-kibana                 NO
puppet-lodgeit                YES
puppet-log_processor          NO
puppet-logrotate              NO
puppet-logstash               YES
puppet-lpmqtt                 NO
puppet-mailman                NO
puppet-mediawiki              NO
puppet-meetbot                NO
puppet-mosquitto              NO
puppet-mqtt_statsd            NO
puppet-mysql_backup           NO
puppet-nodepool               NO
puppet-odsreg                 NO
puppet-openafs                NO
puppet-openstackci            YES
puppet-openstack_health       YES
puppet-openstackid            NO
puppet-os_client_config       NO
puppet-packagekit             NO
puppet-pgsql_backup           NO
puppet-phabricator            NO
puppet-pip                    YES
puppet-planet                 NO
puppet-project_config         NO
puppet-ptgbot                 NO
puppet-redis                  NO
puppet-refstack               NO
puppet-reviewday              NO
puppet-simpleproxy            NO
puppet-snmpd                  NO
puppet-ssh                    NO
puppet-ssl_cert_check         NO
puppet-stackalytics           NO
puppet-statusbot              NO
puppet-storyboard             NO
puppet-subunit2sql            NO
puppet-sudoers                NO
puppet-tmpreaper              NO
puppet-ulimit                 NO
puppet-unattended_upgrades    NO
puppet-unbound                NO
puppet-user                   NO
puppet-zanata                 NO
puppet-zuul                   YES

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