Excerpts from corvus's message of 2018-03-15 14:57:05 -0700:
> Hi,
> To date, Zuul has (perhaps rightly) often been seen as an
> OpenStack-specific tool.  That's only natural since we created it
> explicitly to solve problems we were having in scaling the testing of
> OpenStack.  Nevertheless, it is useful far beyond OpenStack, and even
> before v3, it has found adopters elsewhere.  Though as we talk to more
> people about adopting it, it is becoming clear that the less experience
> they have with OpenStack, the more likely they are to perceive that Zuul
> isn't made for them.
> At the same time, the OpenStack Foundation has identified a number of
> strategic focus areas related to open infrastructure in which to invest.
> CI/CD is one of these.  The OpenStack project infrastructure team, the
> Zuul team, and the Foundation staff recently discussed these issues and
> we feel that establishing Zuul as its own top-level project with the
> support of the Foundation would benefit everyone.
> It's too early in the process for me to say what all the implications
> are, but here are some things I feel confident about:
> * The folks supporting the Zuul running for OpenStack will continue to
>   do so.  We love OpenStack and it's just way too fun running the
>   world's most amazing public CI system to do anything else.
> * Zuul will be independently promoted as a CI/CD tool.  We are
>   establishing our own website and mailing lists to facilitate
>   interacting with folks who aren't otherwise interested in OpenStack.
>   You can expect to hear more about this over the coming months.
> * We will remain just as open as we have been -- the "four opens" are
>   intrinsic to what we do.
> As a first step in this process, I have proposed a change[1] to remove
> Zuul from the list of official OpenStack projects.  If you have any
> questions, please don't hesitate to discuss them here, or privately
> contact me or the Foundation staff.
> -Jim
> [1] https://review.openstack.org/552637

Thanks for posting this, Jim. I look forward to watching (and
participating in) the evolution of Zuul through this change!


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