Hello everyone,

I just approved the change to mark the Zuul v3 priority effort as completed in 
the infra-specs repo. Thank you to everyone that made that possible. With Zuul 
v3 work largely done we can now look forward to our next priority efforts.

Currently the only task marked as a priority is the task-tracker spec which at 
this point is migrating projects into storyboard. I think we can likely add one 
or two new priority efforts to this list.

After some quick initial brainstorming these were the ideas I had for getting 
onto that list (note some may require we actually write a spec):

* Gerrit upgrade to 2.14/2.15
* Control Plane operating system upgrades to Xenial
* Bringing wiki under config management management

My bias here is I've personally been working to try and pay down some of this 
tech debt we've built up simply due to bit rot, but I know we have other specs 
and I'm sure we can make good arguments for why other efforts should be made a 
priority. I'd love to get feedback on what others think would make good 
priority efforts.

Let's use this thread to identify candidates then whittle the list down to one 
or two to focus on for the next little while.

Thank you,

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