On Wed, Mar 28, 2018, at 11:14 AM, Borne Mace wrote:
> Hi All,
> I brought up my issue in #openstack-infra and it was suggested that I 
> send an email to this list.
> The kolla-cli repository was recently created, from existing sources.  
> There was an issue with the source repo where the master branch was 
> sorely out of date, but there is tagged source which is up to date.  My 
> hope is that someone can force-push the tag as master so that the master 
> branch can be fixed / updated.
> I tried to solve this process through the normal merge process, but 
> since I was not the only committer to that repository gerrit refused to 
> post my review.  I will add the full output of that attempt at the end 
> so folks can see what I'm talking about.  If there is some other process 
> that is more appropriate for me to follow here let me know and I'm happy 
> to go through it.
> The latest / optimal code is tagged as o3l_4.0.1.
> Thanks much for your help!
> -- Borne Mace

Responding to the list to make sure we properly record the steps that were 
taken here. I checked out o3l_4.0.1 in kolla-cli locally then pushed it to 
Gerrit as an admin using `git push gerrit local-branch:master`. Because this 
was a fast forward I didn't even need to force push it. This also means local 
clients should update cleanly to the new master commit as well.

I have since received confirmation from Borne that all looks good.

Thank you for your patience,

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