On 07/04/2018 06:57 PM, Jeremy Stanley wrote:

>> And potentially controversially; support other workflows and
>> options outside of the OpenStack workflow. Although maybe not
>> directly, and still keeping the OpenStack one as the default.
> I'd love to know what about git-review is focused on OpenStack's
> workflow. We tried to make it as generic as possible. If there are
> any OpenStack-specific features still lingering in there, we should
> see about ripping them out as soon as is feasible. One that I'm
> aware of is the default topic mangling based on commit message
> parsing, which I've been wanting to eradicate for a while since
> Gerrit now makes altering topics possible without needing to push a
> new commit. 

Personally I don't know what OpenStack specific workflows would be
getting referred to here either. I use git-review on a lot of Gerrit
systems that aren't OpenStack and there is nothing in standard usage
that screams "this isn't standard / default Gerrit workflows"

For that matter, setting the topic based on the local
> branch name could also get tossed while we're at it, and just keep
> the -t option for directly specifying a change topic when people
> really want to do it at time of upload.

Personally I would find this a regression. We inform our communities to
use local branches and git-review all the time and tell them it will
take care of setting the topic as long as they do that. It's an
extremely useful feature and I rely upon it daily! I would hate to have
to add an extra flag to my review pushes.


Andrew J Grimberg
Lead, IT Release Engineering
The Linux Foundation

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