For us NZ (and maybe Aus) folk to attend, getting to Europe is (literally)
twice the distance of US, but Asia is about the same (language aside).    I
find the Summit really valuable in that a large and diverse group get
together and the discussion is live, and in the same time zone - I'd be sad
to lose that focus if we split the mid cycle, but if it was regional I'd be
more likely to justify the cost of getting there.  A set of air fares and
accommodation for the Summit every 6 months is hard enough to fund,
doubling it isn't easy.

Maybe it would be good to re-state the purpose/goal of the mid cycle and
see which option matches that better?

On 17 November 2015 at 06:37, Matt Fischer <> wrote:

> I think that sticking with a singular official one is the plan. It's
> difficult enough for the foundation to line up sponsors/hosts etc for a
> single meet-up. I also think that there are some US/Asia folks that will
> attend a midcycle in Europe and by also hosting a competing one locally you
> may reduce the attendance at the main one which defeats the purpose. Those
> midcycles work best when we have lots of different voices providing input.
> On Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 10:06 AM, Jonathan Proulx <>
> wrote:
>> On Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 04:55:33PM +0000, Kruithof, Piet wrote:
>> :Sorry, late to the conversation and maybe missing a bit of context.
>> :
>> :How may regional meetings are we thinking?  2-3? Or more?
>> My basic question was One or Many.
>> If Many then that's a further question, but probably 3 (north america,
>> asia, europe)  or possibly 4 (+ south america)
>> :
>> :Piet
>> :
>> :
>> :
>> :
>> :Piet Kruithof
>> :Sr UX Architect, HP Helion Cloud
>> :PTL, OpenStack UX project
>> :
>> :"For every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, neat and
>> wrong.”
>> :
>> :H L Menken
>> :
>> :
>> :From: Matt Jarvis <<mailto:
>> :Date: Monday, November 16, 2015 at 9:23 AM
>> :To: Jonathan Proulx <<>>
>> :Cc: "<mailto:
>>>" <
>> :Subject: Re: [Openstack-operators] OPs Midcycle location discussion.
>> :
>> :+1 from me, although I am admittedly biased ;) Personally I think the
>> wider participation in the ops feedback loop can only be a positive thing,
>> and there are definitely different perspectives and concerns to be had from
>> European operators given the different commercial landscape. I'm sure the
>> same is also true for Asia.
>> :
>> :On 16 November 2015 at 15:50, Jonathan Proulx <<mailto:
>>>> wrote:
>> :Hi All,
>> :
>> :1st User Committee IRC meeting will be today at 19:00UTC on
>> :#openstack-meeting, we haven't exactly settled on an agenda yet but I
>> :hope to raise this issue the...
>> :
>> :It has been suggested that we make the February 15-16 European Ops
>> :Meetup in Manchester UK [1] the 'official' OPs Midcycle.  Previously
>> :all mid cycles have been US based.
>> :
>> :Personally I like the idea of broadening or geographic reach rather
>> :than staying concentrated in North America. I particularly like it
>> :being 'opposite' the summit location.
>> :
>> :This would likely trade off some depth of participation as fewer
>> :of the same people would be able to travel to all midcycles in person.
>> :
>> :Discuss...(also come by  #openstack-meeting at 19:00 UTC if you think
>> :this needs real time discussion)
>> :
>> :-Jon
>> :
>> :
>> :--
>> :
>> :1.
>> :
>> :_______________________________________________
>> :OpenStack-operators mailing list
>> :
>> :
>> :
>> :
>> :--
>> :Matt Jarvis
>> :Head of Cloud Computing
>> :DataCentred
>> :Office: (+44)0161 8703985
>> :Mobile: (+44)07983 725372
>> :Email:<mailto:
>> :Website:
>> :
>> :DataCentred Limited registered in England and Wales no. 05611763
>> --
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>> OpenStack-operators mailing list
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