Just a little help needed.
 on trusty

using openstack-ansible ( allinone )
changed user_variables nova_virt_type to lxc
re-run os-nova-install

Something else I need to do?

When launching an instance I get the no hosts found.
And in nova-conductor log I get the CPU model error

2015-11-18 20:16:40.041 3139 ERROR nova.scheduler.utils
[req-3323b36a-cfe3-46b1-b3b7-cb606c77fda8 37f9aa000df343d4ad1090a3d8330d67
25158527007e4a1c95a6a4b0c214576e - - -] [instance:
0868a44b-79ab-419c-abcb-97a61831d309] Error from last host: ubu1 (node
ubu1): [u'Traceback (most recent call last):\n', u' File
line 1903, in _do_build_and_run_instance\n filter_properties)\n', u' File
line 2063, in _build_and_run_instance\n instance_uuid=instance.uuid,
reason=six.text_type(e))\n', u"RescheduledException: Build of instance
0868a44b-79ab-419c-abcb-97a61831d309 was re-scheduled: Config requested an
explicit CPU model, but the current libvirt hypervisor 'lxc' does not
support selecting CPU models\n"]

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