On 02/17/2016 10:05 AM, Adrian Otto wrote:

I’m thrilled to hear that you are willing to help with this. I approved
the blueprint. Please let me know if you need any help getting set up to
contribute your work so we can get it published at docs.openstack.org


I'm not sure where in my message gave you the impression I'm offering to write documentation for the magnum install docs. My plate is quite full already helping with cross-project initiatives (which by the way it would be great if someone from Magnum was attending the meeting [1]) and other consistency issues.

To remind you, this thread was started because operators are asking how to install Magnum, and there is currently no install guide. Devstack is also an unacceptable way to expect people to figure how to install Magnum.

When I spoke to you in November, you told me in the Magnum meeting [2] that "we all agreed that producing more comprehensive documentation will be a focus of this cycle".

However we're now in February and you're assuming I offered to work on it. It looks like this was dropped by the team as a focus for the cycle.

[1] - https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/CrossProjectMeeting
[2] - http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/containers/2015/containers.2015-11-03-16.01.log.html#l-150

Mike Perez

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