On Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 10:44 AM, John Dickinson <m...@not.mn> wrote:
> On 14 Nov 2017, at 15:18, Mathieu Gagné wrote:
>> On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 6:00 PM, Fox, Kevin M <kevin....@pnnl.gov> wrote:
>>> The pressure for #2 comes from the inability to skip upgrades and the fact 
>>> that upgrades are hugely time consuming still.
>>> If you want to reduce the push for number #2 and help developers get their 
>>> wish of getting features into users hands sooner, the path to upgrade 
>>> really needs to be much less painful.
>> +1000
>> We are upgrading from Kilo to Mitaka. It took 1 year to plan and
>> execute the upgrade. (and we skipped a version)
>> Scheduling all the relevant internal teams is a monumental task
>> because we don't have dedicated teams for those projects and they have
>> other priorities.
>> Upgrading affects a LOT of our systems, some we don't fully have
>> control over. And it can takes months to get new deployment on those
>> systems. (and after, we have to test compatibility, of course)
>> So I guess you can understand my frustration when I'm told to upgrade
>> more often and that skipping versions is discouraged/unsupported.
>> At the current pace, I'm just falling behind. I *need* to skip
>> versions to keep up.
>> So for our next upgrades, we plan on skipping even more versions if
>> the database migration allows it. (except for Nova which is a huge
>> PITA to be honest due to CellsV1)
>> I just don't see any other ways to keep up otherwise.
> ?!?!
> What does it take for this to never happen again? No operator should need to 
> plan and execute an upgrade for a whole year to upgrade one year's worth of 
> code development.
> We don't need new policies, new teams, more releases, fewer releases, or 
> anything like that. The goal is NOT "let's have an LTS release". The goal 
> should be "How do we make sure Mattieu and everyone else in the world can 
> actually deploy and use the software we are writing?"
> Can we drop the entire LTS discussion for now and focus on "make upgrades 
> take less than a year" instead? After we solve that, let's come back around 
> to LTS versions, if needed. I know there's already some work around that. 
> Let's focus there and not be distracted about the best bureaucracy for not 
> deleting two-year-old branches.
> --John


So... Any concrete ideas on how to achieve that?


> /me puts on asbestos pants
>> --
>> Mathieu
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