Thank you very much @Akihiro and @Jeremy

these answers are really useful and constructives.

Akihiro, regarding your two points yes, they for sure will be challenging
and I really plan to work on this feature as a horizon plugin at the
beginning as you mentioned it.

Here what I'm thinking to do to overcome these challenges:

1°/ - Get the information into the keystone catalog that could retrieve
them from the services through a call to the exposed specific APIs
(/vX/service-configs for example).
2°/ - Get each service to expose its configuration values and config
location through a versionned API endpoint (/vX/service-configs url for
3°/ - Horizon retrieve these informations from keystone.

Another solution would be Horizon to retrive these values directly from
each services API, that would however have some impact depending on the
call implementation.

I'm aware that it would imply a lot of work on the openstack services
themself but the plugin could implement a routine that would fill the view
with NaN values and a short informative message within the description
column if it can't grab the values.

Thanks a lot for these informations and insights, I'll work on a PoC and
test it locally, if I come with something usefull I'll show you.

Have a nice day!

Le lun. 18 déc. 2017 à 18:06, Jeremy Stanley <> a écrit :

> On 2017-12-19 01:40:50 +0900 (+0900), Akihiro Motoki wrote:
> [...]
> > First point is how to distribute configuration files configured
> > via GUI to servers. Horizon communicates back-end services through
> > REST APIs and is agnostic of actual server setup. There is no way
> > for horizon to know how your deployments are. This is the area
> > that deployment tools (like ansible, tripleo, fuel and so on)
> > handle.
> [...]
> The burgeoning discussions about an etcd backend for oslo.config may
> be relevant to this piece of the problem.
> --
> Jeremy Stanley
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