On 2/5/2018 11:44 PM, Massimo Sgaravatto wrote:
But if I try to specify the long list of projects, I get:a "Value ... is too long" error message [*].

I can see two workarounds for this problem:

1) Create an host aggregate per project:

HA1 including CA1, C2, ... Cx and with filter_tenant_id=p1
HA2 including CA1, C2, ... Cx and with filter_tenant_id=p2

2) Use the AggregateInstanceExtraSpecsFilter, creating two aggregates and having each flavor visible only by a set of projects, and tagged with a specific string that should match the value specified in the correspondent host aggregate

Is this correct ? Can you see better options ?

This problem came up in the public cloud WG meeting at the PTG last week.

The issue is that the host aggregate metadata value is limited to 255 characters so you're pretty severely restricted in the number of projects you can isolate to that host aggregate.

There were two ideas that I remember getting discussed for possible solutions:

1. The filter could grow support for domains (or some other fancy keystone construct) such that you could nest projects and then just isolate the root project/domain to that host aggregate. I'm not sharp on keystone stuff so would need more input here, but this might not be a great solution if nova has to ask keystone for this information per run through the filters - that could get expensive. If the information is in the user request context (token) then maybe that would work.

2. Dan Smith mentioned another idea such that we could index the aggregate metadata keys like filter_tenant_id0, filter_tenant_id1, ... filter_tenant_idN and then combine those so you have one host aggregate filter_tenant_id* key per tenant.




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