Interesting debate, thanks for raising it.

Would we still need the same style of summit forum if we have the OpenStack 
Community Working Gathering? One thing I have found with the forum running all 
week throughout the summit is that it tends to draw audience away from other 
talks so maybe we could reduce the forum to only a subset of the summit time?

Would increasing the attendance level also lead to an increased entrance price 
compared to the PTG? I seem to remember the Ops meetup entrance price was 

Getting the input from the OpenStack days would be very useful to get coverage. 
I've found them to be well organised community events with good balance between 
local companies and interesting talks.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Stanley <>
Date: Tuesday, 20 March 2018 at 19:15
To: openstack-operators <>
Subject: Re: [Openstack-operators] Ops Meetup, Co-Location options, and User 

    On 2018-03-20 10:37:21 -0500 (-0500), Jimmy McArthur wrote:
    > We have an opportunity to co-locate the Ops Meetup at the PTG.
    To echo what others have said so far, I'm wholeheartedly in favor of
    this idea.
    It's no secret I'm not a fan of the seemingly artificial schism in
    our community between contributors who mostly write software and
    contributors who mostly run software. There's not enough crossover
    with the existing event silos, and I'd love to see increasing
    opportunities for those of us who mostly write software to
    collaborate more closely with those who mostly run software (and
    vice versa). Having dedicated events and separate named identities
    for these overlapping groups of people serves only to further divide
    us, rather than bring us together where we can better draw on our
    collective strengths to make something great.
    Jeremy Stanley

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