On 10/16/2018 10:11 AM, Sylvain Bauza wrote:
On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 3:28 PM Ignazio Cassano <ignaziocass...@gmail.com <mailto:ignaziocass...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Hi everybody,
    when on my ocata installation based on centos7 I update (only update
    not  changing openstack version) some kvm compute nodes, I
    diescovered uuid in resource_providers nova_api db table are
    different from uuid in compute_nodes nova db table.
    This causes several errors in nova-compute service, because it not
    able to receive instances anymore.
    Aligning uuid from compute_nodes solves this problem.
    Could anyone tel me if it is a bug ?

What do you mean by "updating some compute nodes" ? In Nova, we consider uniqueness of compute nodes by a tuple (host, hypervisor_hostname) where host is your nova-compute service name for this compute host, and hypervisor_hostname is in the case of libvirt the 'hostname' reported by the libvirt API [1]

If somehow one of the two values change, then the Nova Resource Tracker will consider this new record as a separate compute node, hereby creating a new compute_nodes table record, and then a new UUID. Could you please check your compute_nodes table and see whether some entries were recently created ?

The compute_nodes table has no unique constraint on the hypervisor_hostname field unfortunately, even though it should. It's not like you can have two compute nodes with the same hostname. But, alas, this is one of those vestigial tails in nova due to poor initial table design and coupling between the concept of a nova-compute service worker and the hypervisor resource node itself.

Ignazio, I was tempted to say you may have run into this:


But then I see you're not using Ironic... I'm not entirely sure how you ended up with duplicate hypervisor_hostname records for the same compute node, but some of those duplicate records must have had the deleted field set to a non-zero value, given the constraint we currently have on (host, hypervisor_hostname, deleted).

This means that your deployment script or some external scripts must have been deleting compute node records somehow, though I'm not entirely sure how...


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