I seem to recall list discussion on this quite a ways back.  I think most of it 
happened on the Docs ml, though. Maybe Juno/Kilo timeframe?  If possible, it 
would be good to search over the code bases for places it was called to see its 
current footprint.  I'm pretty sure it was the docs folks working with the oslo 
folks to make it work.  But then the question was put to the ops folks about 
translations of logs (maybe the New York midcycle) and ops don't use 
translation.  The ops input was broadcast to dev and docs and most efforts 
stopped at that point.  But, I believe some projects had already done some work 
on lazy translation.  I suspect the amount done, though was pretty low.

Maybe the fastest way to get info would be to turn it off and see where the 
code barfs in a long run (to catch as many projects as possible)?


> From: Ben Nemec > Sent: Monday, November 05, 2018 1:40 PM
> On 11/5/18 3:13 PM, Matt Riedemann wrote:
> > On 11/5/2018 1:36 PM, Doug Hellmann wrote:
> >> I think the lazy stuff was all about the API responses. The log
> >> translations worked a completely different way.
> >
> > Yeah maybe. And if so, I came across this in one of the blueprints:
> >
> > https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/disable-lazy-translation
> >
> > Which says that because of a critical bug, the lazy translation was
> > disabled in Havana to be fixed in Icehouse but I don't think that ever
> > happened before IBM developers dropped it upstream, which is further
> > justification for nuking this code from the various projects.
> >
> It was disabled last-minute, but I'm pretty sure it was turned back on (hence
> why we're hitting issues today). I still see coercion code in oslo.log that 
> was
> added to fix the problem[1] (I think). I could be wrong about that since this
> code has undergone significant changes over the years, but it looks to me like
> we're still forcing things to be unicode.[2]
> 1: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/49230/3/openstack/common/log.py
> 2:
> https://github.com/openstack/oslo.log/blob/a9ba6c544cbbd4bd804dcd5e38
> d72106ea0b8b8f/oslo_log/formatters.py#L414

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