> Has anyone create an image that can be installed into other hypervisors than 
> openstack?
> I mean that I have the image, (let’s say a Cirros image), on an instance and 
> I make some changes there.
> How can I take that image together with my changes, produce a new image 
> including the original one and the changes of course,
> and load it into other hypervisors like VMware sphere, for instance?

You can simply convert the image (make a snapshot) and convert it with e.g. 
Qemu-img to vmdk format:
However, if you want to create a standard image for multiple platforms I’d 
highly suggest to look at tools like packer:
 https://www.packer.io/docs/builders/openstack.html which can output to 
different formats.

> If I want to take an image from an instance from openstack cloud A and load  
> it into a VM into another openstack cloud B, will it work? And how?
> Just by loading it to the new VM or do I have to process/change it somehow?

Yes you can. Make a snapshot and import it.
(assuming you are allowed to snapshot and upload your own images.)

> I’m afraid this would mix up the IPs of the two clouds, (internal and 
> external IPs),
> and in general the network configuration would be different on the two 
> openstack cloud environments, so how this can be done?

Usually IP’s are coming from DHCP in some way so it should just pick a IP from 
the DHCP pool.
If you have exactly the same IP space you could (in theory) boot them with the 
same IP:
Using the nova boot with "v4-fixed-ip” argument to boot it with a specific IP.
In general I would highly recommend to make it work with whatever DHCP gives 
you and fix resolving of services with the appropriate tools (DNS / Zookeeper 
/etcd... )

> I tried to implement this by taking snapshots on my VMs I want the image to 
> be transferred.
> The result was to take a backup of my volume, the one that it is used by the 
> VM.
> The problem here is that if my VM uses, for instance, the xlarge flavor, it 
> means it will take a snapshot of 160GB for an OS only of 12.5 MB, which is 
> really TRAGIC!!!!
> So, under what situations it is preferable to use snapshots?
> This is an extreme example to understand my thought/question and the reason 
> why I cannot use snapshot.

It al depends on what you actually want to achieve what makes the most sense.
A onetime migration from cloud A to B? DR scenario? Running by default with 2 
cloud providers?
e.g. it might make more sense to just spawn an instance in the second cloud and 
e.g. Rsync the data from within the 2 instances.

> By taking a snapshot from a VM as I said it will take a snapshot of the 
> volume used on the specific flavor for a VM. This will take the NFS file as 
> well, right?
>There is no any special volume other than the one used on the flavor storing 
>the > NFS details, correct? Of course, by default openstack 

Not sure what you mean by NFS. You can implement nfs in many ways.
Iirc if it is a “separate” cinder volume you need to snapshot that separately.

Robert van Leeuwen

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