
it seems like your VM fails to connect to the metadata server, so any configuration provided by user-data will have failed. Is the VM's network configured properly? Does it get its IP by DHCP? Is it a provider network or a self-service network? If it's a provider network (external router), you'll have to provide the user-data and network config by config-drive, this way you won't need a metadata-server. If it's a self-service network, is DHCP enabled? Check your ip config within your vm. If the ip config is as expected, try to execute "curl -v";, does it timeout?

Are dhcp-server and metadata-server up and running? What's the output of
neutron agent-list

If you launch an instance in the same network without heat, just with the user-data, does that work? If it does it's probably a heat issue. Have you checked the heat logs for any hints?


Zitat von Amit Kumar <ebiib...@gmail.com>:

Hi All,

I have installed OpenStack Mitaka using OpenStack-Ansible 13.3.13. Trying
to use Heat::SoftwareDeployment resource similar to as described in:
but is not working as expected. SoftwareDeployment resource is always in
progress state once heat stack is created from command line.

Here are the /var/log/cloud-init-output.log:
/var/log/os-collect-config.log shows these logs:
http://paste.openstack.org/show/613503/. Can they cause any harm?
/var/run/heat-config/heat-config is showing the script and the input
parameters which I want to run on VM. Here are the logs:
http://paste.openstack.org/show/613504/ but in-spite of script and its
input being here, */var/lib/cloud/instances/i-0000003a/scripts/userdata*
file is empty.
Here is the /var/lib/cloud/instances/i-0000003a/user-data.txt:

With the help of above logs, please see if you can point out if I am
missing anything here.



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