On 06/26/2017 12:58 PM, Jose Renato Santos wrote:

I am accessing the nova api using the gophercloud SDK https://github.com/rackspace/gophercloud

I am running Openstack Newton installed with Openstack Ansible

I am accessing the “List Servers” call of the nova Api with the Changes-Since parameters for efficient polling


However, the API is not working as I expected.

When I stop or start a server instance, the API successfully detects the change in the server state and returns the server in the next call to ListServers with the Changes-Since parameter, as expected.

But when I attach a new security group to the server, the API does not detect any change in the state of the server and does not return the server in the next call to ListServers with the Changes-Since parameter.

I would expect that changing the list of security groups attached to a server would be considered a change in the server state and reported when using the Changes-Since parameter, but that is not the behavior that I am seeing.

Can someone please let me know if this is a known bug?

Changes to an instance's security group rules are not considered when listing servers by updated_at field value. This is mostly because the security group [rules] are Neutron objects and are not one-to-one associated with a Nova instance.

I'm not sure it's a bug per-se, but I suppose we could entertain a feature request to set the updated_at timestamp column for all instances associated with a security group when that security group's rules are changed.

But that would probably open up a can of worms that Nova developers may not be willing to deal with. For instance, should we update the instances.update_at table every time a volume is changed? a network port that an instance is associated with? A heat stack that launched the volume? etc etc.


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