I hoped that I could use quickstart.sh to set up Tripleo without much
thinking. The Ansible playbook generates undercloud, compute and control
images and much more on the VIRTHOST but ultimately fails with:

TASK [undercloud-deploy : Write containers-prepare-parameter.yaml]
task path:
Wednesday 20 June 2018  18:31:07 +0900 (0:00:07.221)       1:14:05.859
fatal: [undercloud]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true,
"msg": "AnsibleUndefinedVariable: 'container_build_id' is undefined"}

What puzzles me (I am far from being an Ansible expert): If I interpret
/_quickstart.log/ correctly, this variable is set about half-way through
the process:

TASK [extras-common : set container_build_id from docker_image_tag]
task path:
Wednesday 20 June 2018  17:23:13 +0900 (0:00:00.212)       0:06:12.229
ok: [jupiter] => {*"ansible_facts": {"container_build_id":
"current-tripleo-rdo"},* "changed": false, "failed": false}

Later plays also set it conditionally, but the conditions are never met.
Some derive it from a variable named /get_build_command/, which I can't
find anywhere (I did do a http://codesearch.openstack.org):

TASK [extras-common : set container_build_id from get_build_command]
task path:
Wednesday 20 June 2018  18:16:45 +0900 (0:00:00.323)       0:59:44.741
skipping: [jupiter] => {"changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional
result was False", "skipped": true}

others base it on a Docker container tag:

TASK [extras-common : set container_build_id from docker_image_tag]
task path:
Wednesday 20 June 2018  18:16:46 +0900 (0:00:00.128)       0:59:44.996
skipping: [jupiter] => {"changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional
result was False", "skipped": true}

Any pointers how to fix this?

My VIRTHOST is a HP Z420 workstation named /jupiter/, 4 core Xeon, 32G
memory, 150G disk space running freshly installed Centos 7.5. I run the
quickstart script on a VM, equally with Centos 7.5. I followed the
instructions at

$ ssh-keygen; ssh-copy-id root@jupiter; ssh-copy-id stack@jupiter
$ bashquickstart.sh--install-deps
$ bash quickstart.sh jupiter

Bernd Bausch

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