Welcome to OpenStack! I think the joy of troubleshooting it is one of
its main selling points.

The conductor log says "/libxenlight failed to create new domain/" on
various nodes. You should check the nova-compute logs on those nodes for
relevant messages. I suspect an ill-configured interface between Nova
Compute and libvirt/Xen. In other words, double-check the libvirt and
xen sections of nova.conf on those nodes.

Then there is this message "/Invalid //input for field
'identity/password/user/password': None is not of type 'string' ..../".
This is often caused by incompatible software. I.e. you installed
Openstack components that don't fit together. Might also be caused by a
configuration error.
Or it's an ordinary bug, but it seems to occur on node 2 only.

On 11/1/2018 11:01 PM, Minjun Hong wrote:
> Hi everyone.
> I'm really new to OpenStack.
> After I install essential components of OpenStack, such as Nova,
> Keystone, etc, I attempted creating an instance through Openstack
> command in the terminal.
> But a trouble has occurred. It was logged in "nova-conductor.log":
>     2018-11-01 22:18:59.831 2570 ERROR nova.scheduler.utils
>     [req-12aae2ff-4186-4ab0-964c-35b335c3188a
>     cc22ec575cb44e53aced9ddf58d9e8d7 965ff1c2002d4c278b5f838dbdbbb780
>     - default default] [instance:
>     684b0a7d-22b9-4c87-88f8-b1474d3f9cee] Error from last host: node2
>     (node node2): [u'Traceback (most recent call last):\n', u'  File
>     "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/compute/manager.py", line
>     1840, in _do_build_and_run_instance\n    filter_properties,
>     request_spec)\n', u'  File
>     "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/compute/manager.py", line
>     2120, in _build_and_run_instance\n    instance_uuid=instance.uuid,
>     reason=six.text_type(e))\n', u"RescheduledException: Build of
>     instance 684b0a7d-22b9-4c87-88f8-b1474d3f9cee was re-scheduled:
>     Invalid input for field 'identity/password/user/password': None is
>     not of type 'string'\n\nFailed validating 'type' in
> schema['properties']['identity']['properties']['password']['properties']['user']['properties']['password']:\n
>       {'type': 'string'}\n\nOn
>     instance['identity']['password']['user']['password']:\n    None
>     (HTTP 400) (Request-ID: req-350beee4-2fed-4645-9e21-79806d7ebfe7)\n"]
>     2018-11-01 22:18:59.833 2570 WARNING oslo_config.cfg
>     [req-12aae2ff-4186-4ab0-964c-35b335c3188a
>     cc22ec575cb44e53aced9ddf58d9e8d7 965ff1c2002d4c278b5f838dbdbbb780
>     - default default] Option "os_region_name" from group "placement"
>     is deprecated. Use option "region-name" from group "placement".
>     2018-11-01 22:19:10.936 2571 ERROR nova.scheduler.utils
>     [req-12aae2ff-4186-4ab0-964c-35b335c3188a
>     cc22ec575cb44e53aced9ddf58d9e8d7 965ff1c2002d4c278b5f838dbdbbb780
>     - default default] [instance:
>     684b0a7d-22b9-4c87-88f8-b1474d3f9cee] Error from last host: node4
>     (node node4): [u'Traceback (most recent call last):\n', u'  File
>     "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/compute/manager.py", line
>     1840, in _do_build_and_run_instance\n    filter_properties,
>     request_spec)\n', u'  File
>     "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/compute/manager.py", line
>     2120, in _build_and_run_instance\n    instance_uuid=instance.uuid,
>     reason=six.text_type(e))\n', u"RescheduledException: Build of
>     instance 684b0a7d-22b9-4c87-88f8-b1474d3f9cee was re-scheduled:
>     internal error: libxenlight failed to create new domain
>     'instance-00000005'\n"]
>     2018-11-01 22:19:21.783 2567 ERROR nova.scheduler.utils
>     [req-12aae2ff-4186-4ab0-964c-35b335c3188a
>     cc22ec575cb44e53aced9ddf58d9e8d7 965ff1c2002d4c278b5f838dbdbbb780
>     - default default] [instance:
>     684b0a7d-22b9-4c87-88f8-b1474d3f9cee] Error from last host: node5
>     (node node5): [u'Traceback (most recent call last):\n', u'  File
>     "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/compute/manager.py", line
>     1840, in _do_build_and_run_instance\n    filter_properties,
>     request_spec)\n', u'  File
>     "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/compute/manager.py", line
>     2120, in _build_and_run_instance\n    instance_uuid=instance.uuid,
>     reason=six.text_type(e))\n', u"RescheduledException: Build of
>     instance 684b0a7d-22b9-4c87-88f8-b1474d3f9cee was re-scheduled:
>     internal error: libxenlight failed to create new domain
>     'instance-00000005'\n"]
>     2018-11-01 22:19:21.783 2567 WARNING nova.scheduler.utils
>     [req-12aae2ff-4186-4ab0-964c-35b335c3188a
>     cc22ec575cb44e53aced9ddf58d9e8d7 965ff1c2002d4c278b5f838dbdbbb780
>     - default default] Failed to compute_task_build_instances:
>     Exceeded maximum number of retries. Exceeded max scheduling
>     attempts 3 for instance 684b0a7d-22b9-4c87-88f8-b1474d3f9cee. Last
>     exception: internal error: libxenlight failed to create new domain
>     'instance-00000005': MaxRetriesExceeded: Exceeded maximum number
>     of retries. Exceeded max scheduling attempts 3 for instance
>     684b0a7d-22b9-4c87-88f8-b1474d3f9cee. Last exception: internal
>     error: libxenlight failed to create new domain 'instance-00000005'
>     2018-11-01 22:19:21.784 2567 WARNING nova.scheduler.utils
>     [req-12aae2ff-4186-4ab0-964c-35b335c3188a
>     cc22ec575cb44e53aced9ddf58d9e8d7 965ff1c2002d4c278b5f838dbdbbb780
>     - default default] [instance:
>     684b0a7d-22b9-4c87-88f8-b1474d3f9cee] Setting instance to ERROR
>     state.: MaxRetriesExceeded: Exceeded maximum number of retries.
>     Exceeded max scheduling attempts 3 for instance
>     684b0a7d-22b9-4c87-88f8-b1474d3f9cee. Last exception: internal
>     error: libxenlight failed to create new domain 'instance-00000005'
>  I'm not sure which component is involved in this trouble.
> And libvirt and Xen have been successfully installed on all compute
> node I have without any problem.
>     nickeys@node2:~$ virsh create ./test.xml
>     Domain guest1 created from ./test.xml
>     nickeys@node2:~$ virsh list
>      Id   Name       State
>     --------------------------
>      0    Domain-0   running
>      1    guest1     running
>     nickeys@node2:~$
> What should I check first for that issue ? 
> Your hint would be big help for me.
> Thanks!
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