Op woensdag 13 juni 2018 15:58:25 CEST schreef Alexander Graf:
> On 13.06.18 14:27, Freek de Kruijf wrote:
> > I am using a Raspberry Pi 1B to count some pulses on one of the GPIO pins,
> > using Python script. This script runs fine on an older version of
> > Tumbleweed, namely 20160625.
> > When I run my script on the current version, 20180502, it throws an error
> > 
> > message:
> >     GPIO.add_event_detect(PIN, GPIO.FALLING, callback=cb, bouncetime=100)
> > 
> > RuntimeError: Failed to add edge detection
> Try to find out who throws that error. Maybe just grep for the error
> message in the python library directory.
> Another thing that may give hints is to run strace on your application
> and see what it tries to access before and what doesn't work?
> > I found a message from Frank Kunz about using the pins via sysfs, of which
> > I have the feeling this related. Maybe not!
> > The solution that was mentioned was installing the pinmux driver. However
> > I
> > can't find such a thing.
> The in-kernel pinmux driver is =y, so no need to install or load anything:
> https://kernel.opensuse.org/cgit/kernel-source/tree/config/armv6hl/default#n
> 3208
> Alex

I used the strace and found that in fact the equivalent bash command:
echo "4" > /sys/class/gpio/export
gives the error message:
-bash: echo: write error: Invalid argument
This command should create new devices /sys/class/gpio/gpio4/* which one can 
use to change the behavior of the GPIO pins.

What can be done to make this basic bash command work.
Below some more information as root:
# ls -l /sys/class/gpio/
total 0
--w------- 1 root root 4096 jun 14 17:41 export
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root    0 apr 23 09:40 gpiochip298 -> ../../devices/
--w------- 1 root root 4096 jun 14 16:34 unexport

member openSUSE
Freek de Kruijf

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