Op donderdag 26 juli 2018 17:14:38 CEST schreef Sten Bert:
> Thank you for the fast reply!
> Of course. - But that was the only path that was working rudimental and
> promised a similar way as on x86-PC.
> The section marked as(easiest)dind't work at all- rainbow screen!
> Maybe there's a hint missing about the preparation of the sd-card?

You may need to clear the highest blocks on the SD card.

I use in bash:

ssize=$(/usr/sbin/blockdev --getss /dev/$dev)
[ $ssize -ne 512 ] && echo "Sector size not equal 512" && exit 1
size=$(/usr/sbin/blockdev --getsz /dev/$dev)
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/$dev obs=1 seek=$(($size - 2)) count=2


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Freek de Kruijf

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