Am 19.06.19 um 09:33 schrieb Matthias Brugger:
> On 19/06/2019 01:21, 村川 了 wrote:
>> Do we have the list of the temperature sensor devices that openSUSE Leap 
>> 15/15.1 on Raspberry Pi 3B/3B+ can handle by default?
>> Previously I asked DTH11. But I want to know this. If yes, I want to know if 
>> I can get the data with mraa?
> You can check that in the kernel config. For arm64 you can find it here:
> The branches are the different releases of openSUSE. Branch "master" refers to
> openSUSE Tumbleweed, the others should be self explaining. Just have a look at
> the "default" config file, don't care about vanilla, you most probably won't
> ever need it.

For armv7hl there's also the lpae config that's relevant.

I would ask that we align sensor additions across armv6hl default,
armv7hl default & lpae and arm64 default configs please.

> If you find any driver you want to have enabled but isn't feel free to open a
> bug and assign it to me, Guillaume or Andreas.
> You can also send patches to if you want to
> participate in that. Otherwise we three will do that in a best effort manner.

Note that the expected process is to enable new things in master first,
then merge or cherry-pick into stable and/or openSUSE-x.y branches, to
make sure we don't lose drivers with new releases.


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