Op dinsdag 21 januari 2020 11:51:03 CET schreef Matthias Brugger:
> Be patient, it takes a while. We will need to add the HW RNG to speed things
> up. I think this should be part of openSUSE Leap 15.2, maybe you want to
> try this images:
> https://download.opensuse.org/ports/aarch64/distribution/leap/15.2/appliance
> s/
> RaspberryPi3 image should work (TM) on the RPi4 as well.

I tried the JeOS and XFCE RPi3 15.2 images om my RPi4. Both give a live system 
with keyboard access and a working network, both Ethernet and Wi-Fi and output 
on the HDMI screen. 

As was to be expected no keyboard access in grub2. 

However starting the display manager in XFCE did not work. Message about 
OnFailure which shows plymouth-quit.service. On my desktop the file /usr/lib/
systemd/system/plymouth-quit.service is delivered by the package plymouth. 
After installation of this package on the RPi4, this file did not appear.

Also the system does only see 1 GB of memory, while my RPi4 has 4 GB.

The XFCE system performed very slow when I was installing some extra software 
using zypper. Might be caused by a partly faulty SD card; after a reboot I got 
ext4 errors.

> Regards,
> Matthias


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